Defense approaches to personal injury claims

On Behalf of | Nov 14, 2019 | Civil Litigation, Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Defense |

Being named as a Quad Cities defendant in a personal injury lawsuit can send an individual, business or municipality into full-on evaluation mode. What is the source of the claim? Is there any validity to the claim? What is the extent of damages that is being claimed? These questions, along with many others, are usually the first to pop up in the mind of a defendant in a personal injury lawsuit.

But, after those initial reactions, it is time to start planning a defense strategy. In some cases, a quick settlement may be possible. In others, protracted litigation may be the only option to attempt to achieve a realistic goal. Whatever the case may be, defendants need to have the right approach to a personal injury claim.

For starters, businesses need to evaluate whether or not pursuing protracted litigation is a better “business decision” than attempting to settle the claim in short order. Municipalities are responsible to taxpayers. And individuals may find the prospect of facing an injured victim — a sympathetic “victim” — and attempting to “win” at trial to be too much to overcome. The facts of any given case will determine what approach is best for a defendant.

At our law firm, we work with our clients to attempt to determine the best path forward when they are named as defendants in a personal injury lawsuit. Our clients want sound advice and we do our best to make sure all of their questions are answered. For more information about how our law firm attempts to help clients in the Quad Cities area, please visit the personal injury overview section of our website.