Understanding the mediation process

On Behalf of | Mar 12, 2019 | Firm News |

Mediation is one option to resolve a civil litigation dispute. Mediation is an alternate dispute resolution option to help resolve disputes in a manner that can be quicker, less costly and offer a variety of other advantages to the civil litigation process which is, of course, another option to help resolve disputes when mediation is not possible.

Mediation utilizes the help of a neutral third party to help guide parties to a dispute, or litigants, in the resolution of their dispute. The mediation process, in addition to being quicker and less costly, can also provide a less formal setting that is also more private and confidential. In addition, mediation is an option that preserves relationships during the process and moving forward. Mediation also allows the parties greater control over the process of resolving their own dispute.

Mediation can provide parties to the dispute with greater flexibility to resolve their particular concerns than the usual civil litigation process. Because the mediation process provides greater control over the process, and flexibility, to the parties, it is also more likely that the mediation agreement will be complied with. This can also save time and cost on further disputes and enforcement efforts. The results of mediation can be better and more positive all the way around as the end of the process yields a settlement to which the parties agree.

The mediation process helps guide the parties through the negotiation process to resolve their dispute. It is a helpful alternative for litigants to consider if they are seeking a more peaceful and productive process.