Common defense strategies to workers’ compensation claims

On Behalf of | Oct 28, 2018 | Firm News |

When Iowa workers suffer injuries in work-related accidents, they could have grounds to seek benefits through a workers’ compensation claim. However, employers and insurance companies have the right to scrutinize these claims and determine if they are valid. As an administrator, employer or insurance company, you may find it beneficial to understand more about workers’ compensation defense.

Workers’ compensation claims can be expensive, and it may be in the best interests of your company to protect yourself against unnecessary financial loss. There are various defense strategies to these types of claims, one of which may be beneficial for your situation. This particular area of law is complex, and you would be wise to obtain help when dealing with related matters.

Are there problems with the claim?

One of the most important steps of a workers’ compensation defense is determining if there is a problem with the claim. The employee must do certain things, and failure to do these things could lead to an invalidation of the claim. Some of the problems to look for in a workers’ compensation claim include the following:

  • The worker did not give notice of the accident and injuries to his or her employer in the required amount of time.
  • The employee waits too long to file his or her insurance claim.
  • There may be evidence that the injuries are self-inflicted or not related to the claimant’s job duties.
  • The worker is not attending doctor appointments or adhering to his or her treatment plans.
  • The worker’s injuries are the result of his or her negligence or horseplay on the job.

Any of the above reasons could be a valid reason to deny a workers’ compensation claim; however, this is not a complete list. If you own a business, you would be wise to take steps to ensure your employees know their rights and requirements, as well as how you can protect your company’s interests.

The importance of experienced guidance

Workers’ compensation defense can be complex, and it requires experienced guidance in order to effectively navigate these concerns. You will find it beneficial to reach out to an experienced attorney who can help you meet the needs of your business and protect yourself against unnecessary financial loss. If you are unsure of your rights and options, you may find it prudent to start by scheduling a complete evaluation of your case and explanation of your legal options.