You can take steps today to plan for medical care in the future

On Behalf of | Jun 1, 2018 | Firm News |

Iowa readers know it is impossible to predict the future, but it is possible to take steps to protect the long-term interests of yourself and your loved ones. Estate planning is a way that you can manage your estate and have a final say over what will happen to your hard-earned assets, but it can also be a way for you to plan for certain types of medical care you may need.

There are various types of estate planning documents that will provide you with security and peace of mind regarding emergency medical care, end of life care and more. Through carefully and thoughtfully drafted advance directives and other documents, you can make decisions for yourself and save your loved ones from having to make difficult decisions for you.

What is an advance directive? 

Advance directives are estate planning documents that allow you to have a measure of control over what type of care you do or do not want to receive in case you are not able to speak for yourself or express your own wishes. There are two main types of advance directives you may want to include as part of your complete estate plan, including:

  • Living will: In a living will, you will express your wishes regarding medical care and treatments you may want in case of debilitation. You can also include what type of interventions you do not want in an end-of-life event.
  • Health care power of attorney: A power of attorney allows you to name a person to act on your behalf in case of a medical emergency. This person could make decisions on things not included in your living will.

It is not easy to consider such serious issues, but many people drafting advance directives find it beneficial to discuss their concerns and decisions with a medical professional as well as with close family members.

You can benefit from a strong estate plan

A strong estate plan can provide you security for the future, especially regarding the types of medical care you may or may not want. It is your body, and you have the right to say what happens to it.

If you do not have advance directives in place or are unsure of what you need to complete your estate plan, you may find it beneficial to seek a complete evaluation of your case. You can take steps today to protect your rights and interests tomorrow.